Wet Labs and Workshops

Western Veterinary Conference 2019


The Western Veterinary Conference will be held Feb 17-20 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.

Sunday Feb. 17
Wet Lab: Innovative Tools and Techniques in Feline Medicine
Oquendo Center, co-instructor Dr. Craig Webb (Colorado State)
7:30-11:30 AM (separate registration required, limited to 24 participants)

The lab will feature new and innovative tools and techniques to improve your skills in feline medicine. With a hands-on approach, you will learn new ways to perform practical procedures such as abdomino- and thoracocentesis, placing chest tubes, using local analgesia including an epidural technique, wound catheters, and the best urinary catheters. You will love the new ways to do old procedures that will make your life easier! PS Most of the learnings can be applied to canine medicine too!

4 CE Hours.
Thanks to our sponsor MILA International.